A small chapel near the Vatican, situated within Rome that functions as a Rayshift and teleportation access point for Chaldeans. It also doubles as a refugee area, so it is very crowded.
The proximity sensors tripped to the main base and refugee area.
A green army jeep made it's away to the chapel through the crowd.
And the officer from the highway stepped out in front of the chapel, nervously holding his cap to his chest as he waited outside.
"H-h-hi?" he nervously waved his hand as he stepped forward, showing he was a middle-aged man with a five-o-clock shadow and rough hair. "We've spread the news like I said we have. And several regiment are now no longer following orders from Genoa."
"We've decided our orders are insane. We won't go through with wiping out Chaldea."
"They've either chosen to be neutral or to keep following the orders of Genoa. The Genoa Loyalists have been ordered to retreat to Genoa city where High Command has fortified themselves." he nodded, "I have no doubt them and the GIGN will be planning something of some kind there."
His eyes lightened up when he heard Veronica speak, "Did you just say Grail?"
@Vormal/Asstolfo/Morban/Sword/CatHis eyes lightened up when he heard Veronica speak, "Did you just say Grail?"
"We intercepted communications from Genoa Loyalists before we were cut out that were talking about a "Grail" and "Resurrection" within. At first we thought that Grail was a codeword of some sort. But it sounds like you know what that is. Is it some sort of weapon system?"
(edited)"A battery," he frowned, "But how can a battery resurrect?"
"Uh, we only go fragments of what they said but our codifiers have deciphered it as it seems that the GIGN are moving for a "grail" that will "resurrect" something or someone. Whatever it is they are committing every resource that they have towards it. They've commit massive resources and the remainder of their nuclear arsenal not towards aiming at us, but blasting a corridor through the forest."
He pulled out a map with an arrow on it showing where they were advancing to.
Chaldea would realize something the soldier had not, it was on the end of one of Rail Zepllin's tracks... where the Grail had teleported to after the battle with Grand Saber.
(edited)"Got any to spare for us to use? Sounds better then a nuclear reactor."
"We're getting the majority of our transmissions from Genoa so their leaders are still there," the officer said, "But since it was a frontline city against the forest, it's been fortified for months."
"I can pro-
"Don't call me a hero. I'm just doing what my conscience tells me to. I follow what my duty and the oath I swore tells me to. Against all enemies foreign and domestic."
@[unintelligible sub noises]"Don't call me a hero. I'm just doing what my conscience tells me to. I follow what my duty and the oath I swore tells me to. Against all enemies foreign and domestic."
@[unintelligible sub noises]
"And to inform you this. Not all of us are willing to directly fight against our brothers... but if we want to stop this war some of us have chosen to do this great evil," he sighed, "I have a thousand men willing to join you to assault Genoa to end this insanity with the Archangel supporting us and a convoy of tanks."
"I believe we already have one with you," he said to Artoria, "Very well then. I will organize what men I can..."
He stopped as he got into the car, "Many of us are going to die... make our deaths worth it."
"To each of us falls a task, and all the world requires of us soldiers is that we stand the line, and we die fighting so they don't have to. It is what we do best: We die standing." he nodded and got into the car.
@Game Ping 1